National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang action for the environment and biodiversity

In response to the World Environment Day and the International Day of Biodiversity 2010, the Management Board of the National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang is the support of the Organization

In response to the World Environment Day and the International Day of Biodiversity 2010, the Management Board of the National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang is the support of the Organization of German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) conducted a series of operations to enhance the community, staff, youth and students the importance and significance of the environment and biodiversity for humans. 2/6 Day morning at the headquarters of the national park management board, the rally took place under the theme “Action for Biodiversity” with the participation of the majority community, many objects
The United Nations has declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity, to confirm biological diversity is the variety of life, the intangible assets and tangible human life. It also warned that biodiversity is declining at a rate of alarm due to poor management and lack of awareness of the importance of biodiversity conservation for the survival of society and the well long-term prosperity of mankind. Subject International Day of Biodiversity 2010 is “Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Reduction,” which celebrates the life of the planet, humanity and biodiversity. This year’s World Environment Organization gives the message “Many Species – One Planet – One Future” World Environment Day to highlight diversity declining species, human pressure is too large lead to a high risk of extinction, the species living space is increasingly restricted.

For years, found that environmental issues and biodiversity significant impact on economic, social, especially for sustainable development in the future, the Government of Vietnam has promoted the conservation program , protection of natural resources, is committed to implementing the international Convention on Biodiversity … this year, Quang Binh was chosen to host World Environment Day and Biodiversity Day 2010 with the theme “Da biodiversity is life, biodiversity is our life “.

In response to the World Environment Day and the International Day of Biodiversity 2010, the Management Board of the National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang is the support of the Organization of German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) conducted a series of operations to enhance the community, staff, youth and students the importance and significance of the environment and biodiversity for humans.

2/6 days at the headquarters of the national park management board, the rally took place under the theme “Action for Biodiversity” and is committed to protecting the signing ceremony between the MB Environmental Phong Nha – Ke Bang, the buffer zone governments, schools and organizations funded with the participation of the majority community, many objects; followed by the program “Nature biodiversity monitoring” involving participation of 100 students and 20 teachers of 5 schools in the buffer zone PTTHCS National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang.

3/6 days, at the Center for Cultural Tourism and Ecology, National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang operational environmental drawing competition with the theme “I love you green forest countryside”, participants included school children from the school of Son Trach commune PTTHCS, Phuc Trach, Hung Trach Xuan Trach and Phu Dinh.

Through these activities they feel many species, the relationship of the species in the ecosystem, especially the role of the species for human life, they are going to love nature and the environment than and their contribution to the effort to protect and promote the value of the world’s natural heritage -V national sprawled Phong Nha – Ke Bang.
In addition, the National Park Phong Nha-Ke Bang held launching ceremony for troops for civil servants, youth union forces throughout the garden clean environment at tourist sites, in cooperation with the General Bureau environment, GTZ organized workshops, seminars …
National Park Phong Nha – Ke Bang World Heritage Site, is a hot spot “hotspost” about biodiversity in the project’s Global Conservation Fund 200 Natural World (WWF), located in the Action Plan Rich National biological form (2005), and along with Reserve National biodiversity Hinamno, Laos, is an important area of global significance in geology, geomorphology, biodiversity. Through these activities in response to the World Environment Day and the Day of Biodiversity expressed strong commitment of the National Park Management Board of Phong Nha – Ke Bang on the conservation of biodiversity values contributing to sustainable development economy – society in the province, regional, national and international.



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